Device List
The device list is a list of all devices connected to your account. The device list is a great way to get an overview of all your devices and their status.
The device list has a number of options that can be used to display, filter and sort the list of devices.
Show number of devices
Shows number of devices currently displayed in the list and the total number of devices connected to your account.
Devices per page
Select how many devices to display per page.
Interval update
Refreshes the device list when clicked. Can select update interval. Note that the device list has real time update enabled by default, and selecting an update interval will disable it.
Text size
Select text size for the device list.
Group by
Group devices by the order
field set on your devices. This is useful if you have a lot of devices and want to group them. For example if you have multiple rooms and you set the order
field to the room name on each device the device belongs to, you can see all devices in each room.
You can set order
by using the Select Many -> Edit -> Order field feature.
Table and grid view
Choose to display your device list in a table or grid view.
Navigate through the device list using the paging buttons.