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In logs you will find a history of all events occurring in your account including device updates, alarms, access rights, edits, downlinks and more.



To ease monitoring efforts, a filter is available. The following filters can be used:


  • Error: Error conditions detected, e.g. system tried to execute a command but failed to get response in time or a device failed to report in time
  • Warning: Typically low signal strength or some other sensor related issue such as an intrusion detection. Severity of the warning can be deduced from the priority
  • Info: Basic log


  • Low: Notification: NO. Most log events that are low severity will use this.
  • Medium: Notification: NO. Any possible action can be delayed, nothing serious will happens even if no action is taken.
  • High: Notification: YES. Typically this will be a serious warning that requires fast actions.
  • Severe: Notification: YES. Something serious has happened that requires urgent attention (typically risk for fires, explosions, etc).


  • Status: General e.g. alarms, state, external errors
  • Update: Update of a node
  • Command: Downlinks
  • Access: Access rights granted e.g. account x granted read access to user y
  • Analytics: Device updates when new data is reported
  • Rule: Rule Engine related events


  • Input unrestricted text relevant to your search.


Alarms fall under the 'Status' category and are consistently accompanied by a 'Verify' button. It is essential to understand that verifying an alarm is a prerequisite for its reactivation. Failing to meet this requirement may lead to overlooked alarms.
