🗃️ Devices
10 items
📄️ Access rights
This documentation refers to the legacy Control Panel v1 found in the menu APPS. In Devices access right are managed on each device or for many at one time with Select Many.
📄️ AI Model Deployment Platform
Our platform enables you to deploy your AI models to IoT devices. The AI results can be utilized for downstream tasks, such as triggering sending an e-mail. Reach out to the Sensative team to discuss your specific requirements.
📄️ Anomaly Monitoring
Proactive Anomaly Detection with Our IoT AI Model Deployment Platform
📄️ Apps
The Apps page in the control-panel allows you to create, view, and manage apps. Apps are used to store information, links, access rights and/or interact with yggio data.
📄️ Dashboards
With dashboards you can create a customized view that display data that you find important. This lets you find the information that you are intrested in quickly and easily.
📄️ Device Tag Interpreter
For Building Management Systems
📄️ Device Updater
This application is designed to facilitate the physical installation of devices by an installer. It is developed for use on a mobile phone. The application allows the installer to easily update a device's metadata to map it to the actual physical installation location.
📄️ Generic integration
The generic integration is the most flexible integration in Yggio with ability to receive data from thousands of different device types. It is used to integrate any device that can transmit data on HTTP or MQTT and that can get identified by a unique identifier. For example Nb-IoT devices, Cat M devices, WiFi devices, TCP/IP devices, (like cameras or gateways) or different type of web services that can post data to Yggio. The generic integration is also used to create virtual nodes that can get populated with data from translators or Flows.
📄️ Hubitat Integration
📄️ Iotnode access rights
Iotnodes can be shared with other users using access control.
📄️ Location Manager
📄️ Logs
In logs you will find a history of all events occurring in your account including device updates, alarms, access rights, edits, downlinks and more.
📄️ Map
On the Map page you can view the location of your devices on a map.
📄️ Organization Manager
📄️ Report Generator
The Report Generator is a tool that allows you to receive customized reports about your data via email.
📄️ Rule Engine
📄️ User groups
Navigate to User groups