📄️ Create an account in Yggio
How to create your account
📄️ Control Panel
Control Panel V2
📄️ AI Model Deployment Platform
Our platform enables you to deploy your AI models to IoT devices. The AI results can be utilized for downstream tasks, such as triggering sending an e-mail. Reach out to the Sensative team to discuss your specific requirements.
📄️ Anomaly Monitoring
Proactive Anomaly Detection with Our IoT AI Model Deployment Platform
📄️ Access rights
Navigate to Access rights
📄️ Apps
The Apps page in the control-panel allows you to create, view, and manage apps. Apps are used to store information, links, access rights and/or interact with yggio data.
📄️ Dashboards
With dashboards you can create a customized view that display data that you find important. This lets you find the information that you are intrested in quickly and easily.
📄️ Device Tag Interpreter
For Building Management Systems
📄️ Device Updater
1\. Start by searching for the device you wish to update. Keep in mind that the search is case-sensitive, so include capital letters where necessary. The lower box will display any matching results and allow you to select your device from the list. Once you have selected your device, press 'Continue.'
📄️ Generic integration
Nodes which are not currently supported by Yggio can be made available through the generic integration.
📄️ Hubitat Integration
📄️ Location Manager
📄️ Logs
In logs you will find a history of all events occurring in your account including device updates, alarms, access rights, edits, downlinks and more.
📄️ Map
📄️ Rule Engine
📄️ User groups
Navigate to User groups